Last Friday, October 1, Paper Lane hosted the 9
th birthday party of smart and pretty
Hannah. As it was the first ever birthday party to be held on our new premises in Town Centre Jumeirah, Paper lane pulled out all the stops to ensure that the celebrant and 15 of her friends would have a fabulous
time scrappin’ together !
Aided immensely by the celebrant’s fun mom Suzette who knew each and every one of her daughter’s friends by heart , the girls had a wonderful time doing a flower-shaped mini album that they got to take home as a special keepsake. Complimented with the Kids Meal from our nearby cafĂ© , plus a surprise yummy treat from our very own Sweet Lane – it was indeed a truly happy birthday for our charming Hannah.
Here are some photos from her birthday party ;

Shiren giving out the instructions for their mini-book project

The older (than 9yrs, that is) girls worked on butterfly albums instead
Cant get enough of the paint, girls ? :p

Good food, good location – can't get any better
than in Town Centre Jumeirah

Mom Suzette making sure everyone’s having a great time ! Thank you, madam !

Ooopps, all the moms are here, is it that late already ? :p (check out Lyn handing out the yummy treats from Sweet Lane)
Beaming radiant birthday girl Hannah with equally pretty friend Rachele showing off their beautiful handmade creations .. such a lovely sight to see!
These are the things that make a birthday celebration truly memorable – a wonderful family around you, fun friends to keep you company , good food to warm your tummies,
thoughtful gifts that you receive … & give out ! (for it is really better to give than to receive)
J ; and beautiful keepsakes that will last for a lifetime … For these cherished memories, visit Paper Lane – and we’ll make them happen for you.