Quite often I have hundreds of photos that I don’t get to look at or appreciate. I’ve discovered that by scrapping I get to choose the few photos that capture those precious moments and tell short snippets behind the memories. Scrapping has helped me highlight those precious moments as well as show them without overdoing it with a ton of photos.
I would like to share with you the joy I’ve found in this craft. Scrapbooking has some structure to it but it is also very personal and creative. It is my objective that you learn some of the techniques but use them in your own creative way and coax that creative side in you. I’d like you to go home with something uniquely your own and see your own precious moments from a different perspective.
I am Tingting Nivera. I am a preschool teacher by profession and worked until I had my first child. Since then I’ve been a full-time mom. I am happily married to a man who loves to take photographs, and have three daughters (aged 9, 4, 1) and a cat.