Hello everyone !
This is just a quick post to remind the terrific women AND men (yes! there were quite a few ☺) who had already submitted their applications for DT membership that we will be unable to reply to your messages, pending our final selection of our Design Team members that should be announced by March 1st at the latest.
In view of of this, we would like to extend our warmest Thank You !!!s to those who took the time and the effort to show us their lovely work and convey to us their heart-warming sentiments about why they would like to be a part of Paper Lane Design Team. And for those who’ve been really busy and preoccupied during the last weekend, you still have until Friday, February 25, to submit your five most gorgeous pieces of work (and a short essay, of course!) to paper_l@eim.ae and have the chance to be a member of Paper Lane’s Design Team – and enjoy the amazing benefits and privileges of being one !