We've been truly busy during the first few weeks of September and just came to realize that we have been amiss in letting you know that . . . we are now carrying Prima's CHA Summer 2010's collection in-store!
If you've been to Paper Lane lately, you may have noticed that several sections inside our shop have been devoted exclusively to Prima's newest range of craft essentials, and for good reason - they have got to be the most amazing, gorgeous , and beauteous collection ever! We have been carrying the Prima range ever since our store started in 2005 , but this time we were totally blown away by the sheer magnificence yet understated elegance of this season's collection.
Feast your eyes on their exquisite stocks on display ... they are indeed breathtakingly beautiful - truly a sight to behold ... which makes us too stumped for words so we'd just let these pictures do the talking !☺
CHA 2010 NEW "Annalee" Papers and Coordinating Embellishments

CHA 2010 NEW "Fairy Flora" Papers and Coordinating Embellishments
CHA 2010 NEW "Road Trip" Papers and Coordinating Embellishments

CHA 2010 NEW "Jack & Jill" Papers and Coordinating Embellishments
CHA 2010 NEW "Paisley Road" Papers and Coordinating Embellishments

And there you have it!
So head down to Paper Lane for all these and more ... we are really looking forward to see you all in the store . And just a reminder , dont forget to take your Loyalty and PrivilegePlus cards to enjoy big, big savings !!
'Till our next update!