Sign up now for you to meet International Designer, INGVILD BOLME, and a chance to join her product demos as she will be sharing amazing scrapbooking tips and techniques at 10:00am-11:30am.
All party attendees will receive a special gift from Paper lane, that you will surely's our way of saying Thank You! Refreshments will be served and fabulous prizes will be given away in a raffle draw. Make sure you sign up before Thursday,10th June to be included.
And for those signing up for Ms Ingvild's special workshop, we encourage you to use your own stash for this technique based class. If you don't have particular products on the list, you can visit us and we will be happy to help you.

Ms Ingvild Bolme is just one of the many international celebrity artists who will grace Paper Lane's big events. Let's all take this opportunity to learn from her, and give her a truly warm Dubai welcome at Paper Lane!
See you all on Saturday!